“KOSTADINOV ENGINEERING” Ltd. has started the implementation of a contract for the provision of non-grant financial assistance under procedure: BG-RRP-3.004 “Technological modernization”. The project is implemented with the financial support of the National Plan for Recovery and Sustainability, co-financed by the European Union.

Grant Agreement Number: BG-RRP-3.004-0260-C01.

Implementation period: 12 months.

Place of performance: Breznik.

General goal: Achieving sustainable development and growth of “KOSTADINOV ENGINEERING” OOD, in the mid-term period of 2024. – 2026, by increasing the production capacity and expanding the activity of the business site in the town of Breznik.

Total cost value: BGN 884,036.00, of which BGN 350,000.00 European and BGN 0.00 national co-financing.




“KOSTADINOV ENGINEERING” EOOD started the implementation of a contract for the provision of non-grant financial assistance under procedure: BG16RFOP002-6.002 “Restoration of SMEs by improving energy efficiency” of the Operational Program “Innovations and Competitiveness” 2014-2020.

Grant Agreement Number: BG16RFOP002-6.002-0394-C01.

Implementation period: 10 months.

Place of performance: Breznik.

Main objective: Providing focused support to Bulgarian small and medium-sized enterprises to recover from the economic consequences of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic by improving their energy efficiency.

Total cost: BGN 60,260.00, of which BGN 30,130.00 European and BGN 0.00 national co-financing.